Looking for UniBERN or a LOWFAR project here in the German part of Switzerland?

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Registriert: 27 Mär 2023, 14:31
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Looking for UniBERN or a LOWFAR project here in the German part of Switzerland?

Beitrag von jlmcbrayer »

Excuse the English, I start German in April. I am a new transplant from GE (two kids born here) but I am a dual CH/US born in KY and some in MT. I would like to try and find someone at UniBern who would like to Mentor me and work towards a high altitude LOFAR set of LB and HB arrays for Local (Swiss Uni Joint) use and to link to the international array. The LB are simple monopoles which are linked but filtered analog then to an onsite cabinet for transmission ((microwave to the Swisscom backbone), then to a local computer center or cloud based until a local center can be established or funded but also feed up to Netherlands. It would give our students and researcher access to the full array but also provide our country with a substantial radio array, uniquely high (which must add bit to the overall array).and thez are discreet. They consisit only of poles with a filter encapsulated in expoxy in the cap and four thin element, while the HB array are in essence squares which can integrated into the environment, not like huge parabolic dishes. In the Nederlands they are integrated into a nature preserve to enjoy the relative lower RFI. If we base these near existing research and weather stations on mountain tops or on the roof of ski stations, they can be easily maintained by the existing staff without having to add much infrastructure or cost. The use of simple to build dipoles and monopoles can be distributed across the schools to be a STEM project which the students and undergraduates could participate and then after the installation, projects can be run by all the Universities and even college prep and applied uni prep students. With the use of beam forming multiple local and international projects can be run or the data from archived storage pulled as a virtual run. Would anyone here from UniBern be interested in at least discussing this opportunity? I think it is fascinating spin off of Moore's Law as these can bascially be built and installed for a very low cost. The big grant seeking would be for a local data center and local processing/transfer to NL? I have a rather wide and hybrid background in science and humanities. I also hold Juris Doctor but am published in Life Science (Public Health- Infectious Diseases). I have the Stats, GIS and health data, health economics methodologies, and granduate environment health, general study methods and science writing underpinned by a Philosophy degree.
Beiträge: 150
Registriert: 19 Mai 2018, 17:59
Wohnort: Zürich
SAG Sektion: 42 Zürich AGUZ Astronomische Gesellschaft Urania Zürich

Re: Looking for UniBERN or a LOWFAR project here in the German part of Switzerland?

Beitrag von peter »

Hi, I am surprised you write on this forum, which is a amateur astronomers website not an scientific organisation and has nothing to do with the Uni Bern. Perhaps you should look up the staff list of the physics institutes in Bern and find a person to contact directly?
Best, Peter
16" RC, Moravian C4