Astro Spectroscopy event of the year 2022

Die Mitglieder der Fachgruppe Spektroskopie beschäftigen sich mit der Beobachtung, Aufzeichnung und Analyse der Spektren von Sternen und weiteren astronomischen Objekten. Bei der Untersuchung von weit entfernten Sternen stellt deren Licht die einzige Informationsquelle dar. Daraus lassen sich jedoch höchst präzise und aufschlussreiche Erkenntnisse über Alter, Zusammensetzung und Zustand der Sterne gewinnen. Im Weiteren engagieren sich einige Mitglieder im Bau von Spektrographen unterschiedlicher Bauart.

Moderator: Michael Keiser

Ernst Pollmann
Beiträge: 42
Registriert: 09 Jun 2018, 13:26

Astro Spectroscopy event of the year 2022

Beitrag von Ernst Pollmann »

Dear colleagues!

For all the interested people who intent to participate, here some additional information of the conference:
Almost all corona protection measures (e.g. mask etc.) were lifted in Austria. We hope it stays that way so that the conference will take place. At present there are not any contrary issues in this sense.

The program is almost fixed. For details, please look at:

Most participants will arrive already on Wednesday 25. I'll be at the "Hotel Ammerhauser" from 6:30 p.m. to welcome you.
If you arrive on Thursday, please be in front of the Hotel at 8:30 a.m. We offer of course a carpool to the conference place, the observatory VEGA. It is also possible to go directly to the Observatory, but by 9:15 a.m. at the latest.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, we have lunch in the Restaurant "Kaiserbuche" near the observatory. I would be happy to cover the cost for food and drink.

After the talks we drive return to the hotel.There is also the possibility to visit the observatory at night if the sky is clear and by arrangement. We are happy to meet up at the restaurant of the hotel to have a cosy together at evening.

It is planed to record all talks by video to offer that the participants. Please inform me, if you do not agree.

In case of any further questions, please contact me.
Have a good time. I´m looking forward to meet you at the VEGA 2022.
Best regards,
Manfred Schwarz
+43 664 2261195
Ernst Pollmann
International Working Group ASPA
Active Spectroscopy in Astronomy